
Five Myths About Orthodontic Treatment

I thought I would share my thoughts on some topics I often hear about Orthodontics.

Myth #1 - “A dentist that does braces or Aligners is an Orthodontist”

 Any dentist can do braces/aligners. An Orthodontist is a dentist who has attended two or three years of additional specialized training in straightening teeth.  All orthodontist are dentist, but not all dentist are orthodontist. Orthodontist, even though they are Dentist, typically only do braces/Aligners and do not do fillings, crowns, etc. 

Myth #2 - “Braces are expensive”

 They can be. However, not all cases are the same. Our fees are based on the complexity of the case. Some cases take several months and some take a couple of years.  We offer lots of different payment options, file insurance, and work with patients to help them get the smile they desire.  Consultations are free!

 Myth #3 - “DIY aligners save a lot of time and money”

We all see these ads on TV/online about DIY aligners. Like a lot of other products, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. You really need to read the fine print.  You may be consenting to substandard care. Bottom line, if your treatment does not begin with xrays and a clinical exam by a licensed dentist, beware.  I urge anyone considering DIY aligners to visit an Orthodontist for another opinion. You may be pleasantly surprised at how affordable orthodontics can be.


Myth #4 - “Braces will put white spots on my teeth”

It isn’t the braces.  It is the acid, sugar and lack of proper hygiene during the braces that causes white spots. Pretty easy fix…..brush properly and cut out sugars and sodas during braces.  

Myth #5 - “ I had braces as a teen and they got crooked again. Braces don’t work”

Retainers are just as important as the braces themselves.  Certain problems are very likely to relapse if a retainer is not worn. We place a fixed retainer behind the teeth to hold stubborn teeth!

Bottom line when it comes to straightening teeth is to see an Orthodontist. They have the skills and expertise required to give you your best smile!

Thanks for reading!

Dr. Ernest McCallum